Children’s Dentist Near Me

Great Beginnings Pediatric Dentistry | Children’s Dentist Near Me

If you are searching “Children’s Dentist Near Me,” you will find everything you need with Great Beginnings Pediatric Dentistry. GBPD specializes in making the dentist’s office experience as comfortable as possible for all children. Creating a welcoming and comfortable environment is an ever-present goal for the GBPD staff. To enhance each child’s experience, the staff encourages the curiosity inherent in children. They answer all your child’s questions by explaining everything in child-friendly terms they can easily understand. Great Beginnings Pediatric Dentistry teaches children to truly enjoy their visit to the dentist.

Dental Technologies | Children’s Dentist Near Me

Not only does the GBPD staff exceln at creating a positive dentist’s office environment for children, but they also constantly look for ways to improve the dental hygiene technologies at their disposal. The application of increasingly advanced technologies is crucial for improving the dental hygiene experience. When the technology receives an upgrade, so does the efficiency and gentleness of the treatment.

X-Rays with Less Radiation Exposure

Traditional x-ray machines produce radiation that is safe for children; however, most parents are understandably concerned about x-ray radiation exposure. GBPD has taken measures to address these concerns. They now offer digital radiography. This procedure produces 70% less radiation than traditional x-ray machinery. Digital radiography also means faster imaging, which will shorten your stay at the dentist’s office.

In addition to these other advantages, digital radiography also produces higher quality imagery. Traditional x-ray machinery only uses 16 to 25 shades of gray to create the contrast, lowering the image’s sharpness overall. With digital radiography, however, 256 different shades of gray create a much clearer image of your child’s teeth. The sharper images allow for the dentists of GBPD to make the most accurate diagnosis possible.

Laser Dentistry

Laser technology can sound a bit like science-fiction, but it is now an incredibly useful dental technology. Pediatric dentistry is just one of the many areas where lasers have a myriad of medical uses. Both Dr. Adelman and Dr. Rosen are certified in laser dentistry. The Great Beginnings Pediatric Dentistry team has been offering this technology to their patients since 2015, improving the dentist’s office experience for countless children.

Even with good brushing habits and healthy diet, cavities can find a way to develop. Unsurprisingly, the majority of children think getting a filling is uncomfortable; however, GBPD’s Solea laser makes the filling process much less unpleasant.

The Dentists of GBPD | Children’s Dentist Near Me

Dr. Laura Adelman (DMD) has many years of experience in pediatric dentistry. After her time in dental school, she spent another two years training and further honing her skills. Dr. Adelman has also built her career on the dedication to dental health for children, going from infancy to young adulthood. She studied at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. Furthermore, she went through postdoctoral training at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospitals of Akron and also Case Western Reserve’s School of Dentistry.

Dr. Rachel Rosen (DDS) is another of GBPD’s experienced dentists. Dr. Rosen was born and raised in Orange Village, Ohio. She studied at Ohio State University to receive her undergraduate degree in Biology. Dr. Rosen then got her Doctorate of Dental Surgery. Furthermore, she also performed two extra years of training much like Dr. Adelman. She gained her Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies at the Boston University School of Dental Medicine with a pediatric dental residency. In addition to her quality education, Dr. Rosen also has high-level experience in the caring of infants, children, and adolescents with special health care needs.

Dr. Adelman and Dr. Rosen are both fully qualified to give your children the most comfortable and positive dentist experience. The dentists and staff of Great Beginnings Pediatric Dentistry are incredibly passionate about the oral health of children. Whether they are infants, young adolescents, or children with special health care needs, GBPD can provide a pleasant experience. If you have been searching “Children’s Dentist Near Me” to no avail, you have found the dentist office you need. Contact GBPD and discover the perfect dentists for your children.

Author: Julie Stout

Julie Stout is a graphic designer / web designer