Bed Bug Experts | Bed Bug Extermination Ohio | Expert Pest Management

bed bug experts bed bug extermination ohio

Bed Bug Experts | Bed Bug Extermination Ohio | Expert Pest Management | Bed Bug Bites

Planning to partner with bed bug experts?  If you have been dealing with an infestation in your home, then you owe it to yourself and your family or business to maintain a healthy and clean space.  When it comes to bed bug exterminators in Ohio, you have several options, including

  • Heat Bed Bug Treatment | Bed Bug Experts 
    • Raising the temperature within the home for a period long enough to kill bed bugs.
    • The temperature will be brought up to 130º-140º and sustained for 2-3 hours.
    • This treatment is guaranteed for 60 days.
    • May require follow-up treatments.
  • Liquid Bed Bug Treatment | Pest Control Services
    • Most cost-effective form of treatment requiring the most preparation from the homeowner.
    • The application of several pesticides in both liquid and dust form throughout the home.
    • Fast-acting products are applied to areas where bed bugs hide.
    • Treatment will need to be performed 2-3 times.
    • Treatment is typically 2-3 hours per structure.
  • Fumigation Bed Bug Treatment
    • Sealing off a structure and introducing a fumigant in it.
    • Treatment is typically 18-48 hours.
    • Treatment is warrantied for 60 days.
    • Follow-up liquid treatment will be provided.
  • Steam Bed Bug Treatment | Bed Bug Extermination Ohio
    • Steam treatment is the ideal process for facilities such as hospitals with sensitive equipment or around people with sensitivities to the chemicals used in liquid treatments.
    • Similar to heat treatments, steam can be used to kill bed bugs by subjecting them to high temperatures.
    • Steaming a space also has the benefit of reaching deeper recesses of the space.

About Expert Pest Management | Bed Bug Experts | Bed Bug Extermination Ohio | Kill Bed Bugs 

For nearly five decades, Expert Pest Management has brought premier pest control services to the communities of Northeast Ohio, Western Pensylvania, and Northern West Virginia.   

Getting in Touch With Expert Pest Management | It’s Easy to Do! | Bed Bug Experts | Bed Bug Extermination Ohio | Bed Bug Extermination 

To reach out to the professionals from Expert Pest Management, simply fill out the online contact form on  In addition, prospective customers can use the number shown below to send phone calls.  

Main Line: (877) 463-9737


Expert Pest Management and Unframed World Design | A Collaboration for Both Innovation and Growth | Bed Bug Experts | Bed Bug Extermination Ohio | Pest Control Companies 

To summarize, if you have been looking for bed bug experts, then you can feel confident in teaming up with Expert Pest Management.  Without a doubt, we are thankful for our exciting partnership with the Expert Pest Management team. Above all, Unframed World Design is a full service digital and traditional marketing agency for the growth of a rapidly evolving business landscape in Northeast Ohio and beyond. 

Hire the best marketing agency near me to take you to the next level.

Like all of our clients, Expert Pest Management benefits from exclusive search engine optimization (SEO) services, conversion rate optimization (CRO) packages, and social media marketing (SMM) campaigns, for example.  In fact, the Expert Pest Management team attributes a great deal of the brand’s success to the consistent maintenance of its digital presence. With this in mind, you can learn more about bed bug extermination Ohio by visiting  In addition, you can find more information about the Expert Pest Management team and its work by visiting the Unframed World Design blog.  

Reach Out to Our Exceptional Team of Both Internet Marketing and Website Design Professionals Today. | Bed Bug Experts | Bed Bug Extermination Ohio | Integrated Pest Management 

If you and your team want to propel your business in a new direction, but have no idea where to start, then use the contact information shown below to connect with our dedicated team of digital marketing experts today.  We would be happy to meet with you to discuss your goals for your business and help your business grow. Overall, our team has the capabilities to reflect the vision of any business in any industry. In fact, your business could be next!  So give us a shout or stop in and visit us. If you work with us, then you grow with us.  

Unframed World Design Stow Design Studio

3926 Clock Pointe Trail, Suite 103

Stow, OH 44224

Main Line: (330) 688-1324



Unframed World Design Akron Office

111 Hollinger Ave

Akron, OH 44302


Unframed World Design Cleveland Office

50 Public Square, Suite 200

Cleveland, OH 44113


Author: Julie Stout

Julie Stout is a graphic designer / web designer