Restore Your Smile With Affordable Dental Implant Surgery

Dental Implant Surgery From Biddulph Family Dental

When you struggle to feel confident in your smile, it affects your everyday life. Eating, speaking, and smiling can mean discomfort and insecurity, and over time you might find that you avoid certain activities. If this sounds like you, know that there is a way to a brighter, healthier future of smiles waiting for you.

Dental implant surgery eliminates the pain and stress of damaged teeth, and feels and behaves naturally. Where removable dentures may feel uncomfortable, dental implants replicate the aesthetics and feel of natural teeth and are easy to maintain.

Biddulph Family Dental has become a go-to resource for dental implant surgery in the Northeast Ohio community. As part of the network of Dr. Marino & Associates and Dr. Nassif & Associates locations, the office provides the ideal solutions for your dental needs and cosmetic treatments.

Biddulph Family Dental smiling couple


Why Choose Biddulph Family Dental?

Dental implant surgery is a restoration option for missing or damaged teeth. To see if you’re a good candidate for dental implants,  a dentist will evaluate your current oral health and your overall condition. Some patients may need to replace a certain number of teeth, or have specific concerns about temporary dentures.

Single dental implants are excellent replacements for traditional three-piece dental bridges, and provide reliable restoration when patients need one tooth replaced.

On the other hand, when a patient has an existing lower denture, a dentist may decide it is best to secure it with two dental implants. This restoration option eases the process of denture care while allowing support for normal facial contours.

Do you qualify for dental implant surgery? While you should remember every case is different. If you are a nonsmoker, are in good overall and oral health, and not taking any medications that could inhibit the healing process, then you may be a good candidate for dental implant surgery. However, only your dentist will be able to determine whether or not dental implant surgery is right for you.

Why should Biddulph Family Dental be your first choice for dental implant surgery? Patients choose Biddulph Family Dental and other Dr. Marino & Associates and Dr. Nassif & Associates locations for dental implant surgery ahead of other providers because of the team’s compassionate service and access to the most current in surgical technology.

Biddulph Family Dental single dental implant

Connect With the Team of Dentists From Dr. Marino & Associates and Dr. Nassif & Associates Today

You’ve put up with the frustration, pain, and embarrassment long enough. There is no need to let missing or failing teeth prevent you from enjoying life. When you need dental implant surgery, choose Biddulph Family Dental to transform your smile. More than 7,000 patients from across Northeast Ohio have gained new confidence by receiving dental implant surgery from the team from Dr. Marino & Associates and Dr. Nassif & Associates.

In addition to dental implant placement and care, you can depend on Dr. Marino & Associates for emergency dental care, routine dental cleanings, orthodontic treatment, teeth whitening services, Botox, and more.

Ready to set up a treatment consultation? To take proactive approach to your oral health,  visit today to confirm your visit with the Biddulph Family Dental team.


Restore Your Smile With Affordable Dental Implant Surgery

Author: Julie Stout

Julie Stout is a graphic designer / web designer