When Should I Start Looking for Dermal Fillers Near Me?

dermal fillers near me

One thing all people can agree on these days is that we all are still aging. Some are at peace with this fact and welcome silver hairs and new wrinkles as merely facts of life, but other people are not so carefree. Some individuals may even feel like they are showing signs of aging too early. If you are in the latter categories, do not fear. There are dermal fillers that can seemingly turn back time and improve and/or maintain your face’s youthful appearance.

What Are Dermal Fillers Anyway? 

Dermal fillers are injectables that have been approved by the FDA. They are primarily used to sculpt and enhance cheeks, but they can also be used to help diminish scarring. Lips and around the eyes are other areas commonly targeted by this treatment.There are multiple kinds of dermal fillers near me. The one you’ve most likely heard of is hyaluronic acid or HA. The comforting thing about using HA as your dermal filler is that it’s actually an all-natural substance that your skin can produce on its own. Adding HA to your skincare regimen can help deliver nutrients, add volume, and retain moisture.

dermal fillers near me

Are Dermal Fillers Safe?

Dermal fillers should only be used by professionals and as directed by the FDA. Here are the four reasons to ask about dermal fillers:

  • You have moderate-to-several facial wrinkles and skin folds that you would like to diminish
  • You want to increase the fullness of your lips, cheeks, chin, under-eye hollows, jawline, or back of the hand
  • If you have an immune deficiency or issues caused by diseases like HIV, dermal fillers can help restore facial fat
  • If you have significant acne scarring on your cheeks, dermal fillers can help cover those up

As mentioned above, using dermal fillers is not something you should be doing on your own in your bathroom. Here are more tips about injectable dermal fillers:

Find A Licensed Healthcare Provider

Make sure that when you search for “dermal fillers near me” you are looking for a provider who has either dermatological or plastic surgery certifications. These providers should know from experience to show you appropriately labeled, sealed vials or pre-filled syringes straight from the FDA.

 Be In The Know

You should be given the patient labeling information that is on the FDA-approved injectables. Do not let the procedure continue until you are given this information to review.

The Preview Process

Your provider should review with you where the dermal filler is to be used before the procedure starts. This might even be a separate appointment. You should have a confirmation about where the dermal filler will be used, any after-effects of the procedure, and how you need to prepare.

What Fillers Should Not Be Used For

You should never attempt to use dermal fillers or liquid silicone for body contours. Talk to a professional about other options.

Dermal Filler Precautions

  • If you have allergies or if you have ever suffered from anaphylaxis due to allergies, you should discuss this with your provider. Allergies to lidocaine or Gram-positive bacteria are also stop signs for this procedure.


  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding may want to wait. There is no definitive evidence regarding how dermal fillers may impact the mother and child.


  • If you are under 35 or over 65, proceed with caution.


  • If you have a pigmentation disorder, dermal fillers can increase changes in pigmentation.


  • If you are also planning on a chemical peel or a laser treatment after your dermal filler procedure let your provider know. This combination can create an increased amount of inflammation.


  • If you are on immunosuppressive therapy you should talk to your doctor because you are at a higher risk for infection. 


  • Side effects are possible as is the case with any kind of invasive procedure. You may experience injection-site redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, firmness, or other temporary conditions. Usually you will only be impacted for 2-4 weeks. In rare cases there can be serious complications, often caused by an accidental injection into a blood vessel. This is another reason why it is essential not to try to DIY.  When Should I Start Looking for Dermal Fillers Near Me? dermal fillers near me

Author: Julie Stout

Julie Stout is a graphic designer / web designer