TBBS Accelerator For Rubber

TBBS Accelerator For Rubber

Supplying chemicals and additives to compounders and formulators of rubber, plastics, adhesives, sealants and coatings and even a TBBS accelerator for rubber, Western Reserve Chemical has been a premiere company since 1979 that is highly renowned. With global sourcing and nine distribution warehouses, WESTCO can deliver high-quality and cost effective products that are used in a variety of processes.

WESTCO also has a broad range of brand chemicals including antioxidants, accelerators, tackifiers, waxes and they offer a varitey of parts as well like the TBBS accelerator. It is a delayed action accelerator for use in natural rubber and synthetic rubbers such as SBR, BR, NBR and EPDM. It has lower scorch than CBS and can be more safely processed and has slightly faster scorch than OBTS. WESTCO TBBS has high modulus and excellent physical properties, suitable for tire treads and mechanical goods.
The accelerator is also soluble in ethanol, acetone, benzene, ether, toluene and carbon tetrachloride, practically insoluble in water. Western Reserve Chemical has been a client since 2004 whom we’ve helped with all forms of marketing; to websites, brochures, business cards and branding items. We recently launched a new website for them built on the WordPress platform that is both responsive and mobile friendly. Check out what Western Reserve Chemical can do for you today!




Author: Julie Stout

Julie Stout is a graphic designer / web designer

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