Rotational Molding Companies | Blue Reed

Rotational Molding Companies

Rotational molding companies can offer wonderful services to your plastic product design in a unique way. Different from the regular plastic molding process, rotational molding requires certain molds for certain results and different tools than regular plastic molding. To find a designer and engineer can be tricky but look no further with Greg Stout and his company, Blue Reed. Stout specializes in rotational molding design and engineering together so you don’t have to go to two different places. He has had over twenty-five years of experience in the plastics design and engineering business and his client base and connections have grown immeasurably over the years. He can get clients hooked with manufacturers or tools to complete their designs and he also does consult.

His knowledge and skill are incredibly valuable in a field that is so narrow. His home base is right in Stow, Ohio but Stout has created a list on his website of rotational molding companies he has come in contact with and worked with over the years. Just a few states with rotational molding companies include California, Indiana, Ohio, and Texas. There are many more on the list and he also has international companies on his list as well.

Here at Unframed World Design, we have joined together with Stout and Blue Reed to get his website to the top of the search engines. We are working hard to ensure that his business is fairly represented and to get the word out about Blue Reed and other rotational molding companies.

Author: Julie Stout

Julie Stout is a graphic designer / web designer

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