How Can I Get A Reliable Safety Inspection Management Solution?

Why is it Important to Inspect Workplace Assets Regularly?

No one plans a workday expecting a fire, tornado, or other emergency. However, we all expect fire extinguishers, alarms, exit signs, and emergency lights to be there for us when we need them. We can only rely on these and other safety assets when business leaders commit to regular inspections.

Safety should be the top priority in any workplace. Asset inspection becomes more critical as a team expands. The more employees, the more risk of harm in case of an asset failure. Regular inspections maintain workplace safety no matter how much a business grows.

Regular inspections also allow you to catch problems before they happen. While a fire extinguisher or exit sign may pass one inspection, there is no guarantee that your safety assets will stay functional and help you in the event of an emergency. However, if you are consistent with safety inspections, you can identify problems before you need to make repairs or replace equipment.

When you fall behind on workplace safety asset inspections, you simply cannot guarantee your safety equipment will be ready at a moments notice. To make asset inspection convenient and effective, many teams choose to implement safety inspection management software.

safety inspection management fire extinguisher and hose

Why Opt for Inspection Software Rather Than Manual Inspections?

While manual safety inspections may seem easy, they are time-consuming and are subject to human error. However, when you implement current workplace safety asset inspection software, you can eliminate costly delays and mistakes.

Asset failures aren’t always easy to track manually, especially in a large facility with lots of  safety equipment. With an inspection app, you have the ability to keep a record of all failures as they occur and arrange for fixes or replacements.

An inspection app also creates proper documentation of the inspection of moveable assets, where this may be difficult with manual safety asset inspections. Whether the issue at hand is compliance with NFPA standards, making up for past violations, or streamlining operations, the right software can do this automatically.

Need to find the right workplace safety asset inspection solution for your workplace? The e

xclusive barcode-driven inspection software from InspectNTrack has what your team needs to streamline your workplace safety asset inspection system.


inspectntrack software logo

Reach Out to the Team From InspectNTrack

Is it time to rethink your current set of safety asset inspection procedures? When you implement the most current in inspection technology, you can allocate more time and resources to other areas of your business. InspectNTrack solutions help companies of all kinds be proactive in maintaining workplace safety. Set your space up for years of productivity and safety with InspectNTrack.

What is InspectNTrack software? The exclusive barcode-driven app sets up scheduling, documentation, inspection, tracking, audits, and maintenance of a diverse range of workplace safety assets. The technology is the product of collaboration between environmental health and safety experts. Use InspectNTrack technology to customize inspections for any facility layout.

In addition to top-quality software, InspectNTrack customers benefit from rugged, enterprise-grade hardware options that streamline inspections across facilities of all kinds. To accommodate any space and any goal, safety inspection solutions from InspectNTrack work with Android, iOS, and Windows 10. The technology also comes with the advantage of cloud hosting. This eliminates the need to keep up expensive servers.

To find out how you could streamline your workplace safety inspection management system, visit today.

Author: Julie Stout

Julie Stout is a graphic designer / web designer