What Can I Get From an SEO Strategist?

SEO Strategist


To learn what an SEO strategist can do for you, you’ll first need a brief understanding of the field they work in. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a process of improving the quantity and quality of website traffic. The process includes a wide range of tasks, whether it is on page or off page. Search Engine Optimization works towards getting your website to rank higher for specific keywords that are relevant to your business or organization. The increased keyword ranking will lead to more impressions and clicks which will increase sales of your product or service.

SEO is an ongoing process and is more adequately viewed as a long term process instead of a quick fix. Consistent improvement of your site, along with backlinks and other off page SEO work, will lead to an increase in sales for your business. Because Google is always changing and your competitors likely have SEO work performed on their site as well, it indicates the value of viewing SEO as a long term investment.

SEO Strategist

An SEO strategist is the person who will be working to improve your site, bring in more business for you, and attract more relevant users to your site. To ease some of your concerns, here are some of the aspects of an SEO strategist’s work that will improve your business.

Understanding Search Engine Changes

Google and other search engines are constantly evolving, so having an SEO strategist that is aware of these changes and will adapt to these changes is crucial. An innovative mindset for SEO opens the possibilities to gain an edge over competitors that have a more traditional approach.

Understanding Analytics

SEO strategist analyticsAnalytics give a defined view of the past and how users interact with your site. Analytics can show what pages of your site perform successfully and analytics can show what pages aren’t performing well. The insight of site structure and how users are getting to form submissions or other forms of contacting you gives a model that can be duplicated. Following the path that consistently leads to users leaving your site provides an indication of a flaw in the page or in the structure of your site. This knowledge can be used to make changes to improve that page or the site structure.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is a majority of an SEO strategist’s job because it is where the efficiency in their planning is typically determined. Finding the right keywords isn’t a simple task, it involves weighing the difficulty of competing for a keyword, the search volume the keyword has, and the relevance of the keyword to your business and industry.

Strategy Planning and Implementation

With an understanding of your site paired with the keyword research, it is time for strategy planning. There are a wide variety of tasks that can be performed to improve your business’ SEO. Each month, week, or day can have vastly different tasks that have different performance indicators. Once a sound strategy has been planned out, it is time to turn that strategy into action.

Understanding of Website Platforms

With strategies developed, it’s also important to have the insight on the platform that your website is built on. Being able to actually enact the strategy that an SEO strategist has developed may get overlooked, but it will improve efficiency. You will also be able to trust that your SEO strategist knows what they are working with and that they have the necessary answers to whatever may occur.

Work With an SEO Strategist Today

seo strategistsNow that you have a better understanding of what an SEO strategist does and the result of their actions, it’s time to find the SEO strategist for you. Searching for an SEO strategist may seem like a difficult task and you might not know where to start, so why not start with the service they will bring to you? Start by searching on Google for SEO strategists in your area.